February 24, 2025

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Veterinary Digital X-Ray (847) 742-3906

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Veterinary Digital X-Ray by Dr. Churan.

 I am Dr. Churan from the Animal Clinic of South Elgin 896 North La Fox Street, South Elgin, IL 60177.  This is our radiography  room and it is exclusively dedicated to our digital x-ray machine. This is the table where we take digital pictures of your pet’s insides. This is our clinic cat, Stewart, who is our model for today’s video. We are not actually performing  radiography right now; but, when we do, we wear lead gowns and lead gloves for protection from potential exposure to radiation.

Veterinary Digital X-Ray is beautiful in so many ways.

The beauty of digital radiography  is the instant picture of the subject for viewing on a television screen eliminating retakes that were common in the older method where a picture is taken using the manufacturer’s film-based machine and then developed within 15 minutes. If the picture is not clear, then retakes have to be taken. Meanwhile, the pet becomes anxious. With this new machine, the procedure is quick and tolerable by the pet, and the quality of the picture  is excellent. Because it is digital, we are able to manipulate and turn the images upside down, we can make them darker or lighter to get a better view of vague lesions. Again, this prevents us from taking additional films, from darker to a lighter setting. This is better for the pets and the staff.

Veterinary Digital X-Rays can be e-mailed

 In addition, we are able to send digital pictures by email. We can also download pictures on a compact disc if the client wants a copy of the x-ray. We can email radiograhic images to specialists for their opinion as in the case of breeders who want OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) certification that the animal’s hips and joints are free from genetic defects. It is a fast and seamless procedure and we believe this digital radiography device  is the best machine we can possibly have.

New clients can register online at www.SouthElginVet.com

YouTube Link

Youtube Title: Veterinary Digital X-Ray South Elgin IL 60177 Veterinarian

Veterinary Digital X-Ray is easier on your pet. We can tell immediately if the X-Ray quality is good. We can immediately take another X-Ray. Pets often wiggle.